Generosity Cycle-17 Nov

Generosity Cycle Worship Suggestions

November 17, 2024

Mark 13:1-8

Hold Fast to Hope



For this final week of the Generosity Cycle, you will present the final version of the communal statement of generosity. You can find instructions for each week at this link (insert link here). This week is the sixth week of the Generosity Cycle. The focus is on Reflect. You can find information about the Generosity Cycle at (insert link here).



Welcome and Call to Worship

Welcome to this service of worship where we gather to celebrate the boundless hope that springs from hearts of generosity.

This is the final week of the Generosity Cycle. It’s an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the amazing journey we have been on for the past five weeks. This journey has led us to a shared statement of generosity. What an amazing accomplishment! In a world that seems to spin with uncertainty, we can stand as a beacon of generosity that lights the path of hope for many within and outside these walls.

Our worship theme is Hold Fast to Hope. We come together in worship not only as a community of believers but as a community committed to embodying the spirit of love and compassion that brings hope to our world. Our statement of generosity reflects that.

So, as we lift our voices in worship, let us also lift our hearts in gratitude for the generosity that surrounds us—both the generosity we receive and the generosity we extend to others. May this time of worship be a celebration of the hope that springs from our shared understanding of generosity. May it continue to inspire us to be vessels of love and compassion in our world.

Praise the Lord.

Let all who draw breath praise the Lord.

Happy are those whose help is from God –

The One who made heaven and earth,

The One who created the seas and all that is in them.

Happy are those whose hope is in God-

The One who keeps faith forever,

The One who feeds the hungry

And defends the oppressed.

God will reign forever, for all generations.

Praise the Lord!

Let all who draw breath praise the Lord.

(adapted from Psalm 146)

Hymn of Gathering                

“To Be Your Presence”                                                                                  
CCS 351

or “Now in This Moment”                                                                            
CCS 96

Opening Prayer

Scripture Reading                  

Mark 13:1-8

Children’s Focus Moment

Read (or tell the story of) “Those Shoes” by Maribeth Boelts

Synopsis: All Jeremy wants is a pair of those shoes, the ones everyone at school seems to be wearing. But Jeremy’s grandma tells him they don’t have room for "want," just "need," and what Jeremy needs are new boots for winter. When Jeremy’s shoes fall apart at school, and the guidance counselor gives him a hand-me-down pair, the boy is more determined than ever to have those shoes, even a thrift-shop pair that are much too small. But sore feet aren’t much fun, and Jeremy comes to realize that the things he has — warm boots, a loving grandma, and the chance to help a friend — are worth more than the things he wants.

Discussion and Questions:

  • Jeremy really wants the black high tops with the two stripes. Why does he want them so badly? How is he feeling?
  •  Grandma says there is no room for "want," there is only room for "need." What do you think she means?
  • Grandma saved money for Jeremy’s new boots. Have you ever saved money to buy something? How do you save money?
  • Jeremy buys the shoes with his own money even though they are too small. Was this a good or bad idea? What would you do?
  • At first Jeremy doesn't want to give Antonio his shoes. Why was it hard for Jeremy to make a decision?
  • Have you ever given something to someone that they needed but didn't ask for? How did that feel?

Centering Moment

(drop a rock in some water or show a video of a rock being dropped in water)

Whenever we send our generosity into the world a ripple effect begins. The person who received kindness, moved by the unexpected grace given to them, finds an opportunity to extend a helping hand to someone else. The cycle repeats, each act of giving becoming a ripple that extends far beyond the initial gesture. This interconnected web of generosity becomes a beacon of hope, showing us that even in a world filled with challenges, the collective power of small acts can create a transformative force.

Hymn of Reflection

“For the Fruit of All Creation”                                                                      
CCS 132

or “Put Peace Into Each Other’s Hands”                                                       
CCS 309

Reflection Time

Last week, we shared our thoughts about our communal statement of generosity. Based on that, here is the final version. What a wonderful way to embody the spirit of love and compassion that can bring hope to our world.

(read the statement)

How can this statement become part of our DNA? We will continue to reflect on this statement over the months and years ahead. As I read the statement again, what words, images, phrases stand out to you?

(read the statement)

As I read the statement a final time, picture yourself living out this statement. What would that look like? What would it look like if this congregation/group lived out this statement?

(read the statement a final time)

(feel free to allow time for people to share what images, thoughts and phrases stood out to them)

Hymn of Expectation

“God Bestows on Every Sense”                                                                    
CCS 572

or “Clothe Us in Your Spirit”                                                                        
CCS 584

Morning Message: Based on Mark 13:1-8

Disciples’ Generous Response

Generosity is something God wants for us, not from us. No expression of God's generosity is as complete as the gift of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, God's son freely given to us all. In Christ the giver became the gift and the ultimate example of God's grace and love.

Christ showed and taught us that God's grace and love are equally available to everyone. God's love is unwavering and not dependent on our good behavior or good works. The gift of God's son, Jesus Christ, revealed God's grace and love. We become whole when we receive Christ and recognize that all that we have is a gift from God.

As we celebrate our communal statement of generosity today, may we be reminded that God has called us as humble servants to love and give compassionately without reserve. By engaging in humble generosity, we invite others to share in God's grace and love as we have known them, and we provide hope for many within and outside these walls.

Blessing and Receiving of Local and Worldwide Mission Tithes

Closing Hymn            

“May the God of Hope”                                                                                
CCS 652

or “Bless Now, O God, the Journey”                                                            
CCS 559


Sending Forth (Doctrine and Covenants 161:7)

The Spirit of the One you follow is the spirit of love and peace. That Spirit seeks to abide in the hearts of those who would embrace its call and live its message. The path will not always be easy, the choices will not always be clear, but the cause is sure and the Spirit will bear witness to the truth, and those who live the truth will know the hope and the joy of discipleship in the community of Christ. Amen.


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