Holy Saturday
Matthew 27:57-66
Keep a Faithful Vigil
Additional Scriptures
Job 14:1-14; Psalm 31:1-4, 15-16; 1 Peter 4:1-8; Doctrine and Covenants 163:3b
Preparation/Options for Observing Holy Saturday
Holy Saturday observance might include a very simple Service of the Word, focused on scriptures alternating with prayers of the people. This service may be used in part or whole for the entire congregation, for a small gathering, as a family prayer time at a home, for an online virtual community, or for individual meditation.
Traditional hours of prayer time are 6 a.m., noon, 6 p.m., and 8 p.m. Consider one of these traditional prayer times to simply offer the Prayers of the People and then read and reflect upon the scripture readings. Tailor the experience to fit the spiritual needs of your group.
Another option… Holy Saturday ends with the setting of the sun on Saturday, keeping a faithful vigil can take place throughout the day and end with sunset. This simple Service of the Word could also be held in a park, backyard of a church facility, or in the building. It is recommended that this vigil be shared with others. Whether or not you are alone or with others, you might do so outdoors, weather permitting, ending just before sunset on Saturday. As the sun is setting, candles can be lit as you and your group observe additional times of quiet meditation and prayer leading into the darkness. We wait for the darkness to be replaced with Easter light.
Gather in Quiet Meditation
Statement on Holy Saturday
Holy Saturday falls within the three days of Holy Week (“Holy Triduum”) between the evening of Maundy Thursday and the evening of Easter. It should be noted that observance of this day is one of the major feasts of the year and the church returns to the ancient reckoning of the day beginning at sundown. Christ has suffered, been crucified on the cross, and buried in a tomb. Therefore, Holy Saturday ends as the sun sinks below the horizon. On Holy Saturday we keep a faithful vigil observing this time with a prayer vigil, readings from the scriptures and Prayers of the People.
Song of Hope
“What Wondrous Love Is This”
CCS 454
OR “How Long, O God, How Long?”
CCS 455
Prayer of Hope
Holy Spirit of presence,
Sometimes the darkness feels disorientating. What direction are we facing? Are we moving toward peace? Headed in the opposite direction? Even in darkness, we can use our ears to listen for your call, beckoning us. God, open our ears.
Today is a dark day. We grieve for the pain inflicted on Jesus, the pain humans continue to inflict on one another, the pain we inflict on the world, and the pain that seems inexplicable, with no one to blame. There is so much pain to grieve. This pain and darkness feel heavy and thick. God, ease our grief. Breathe peace into the land. Open our senses to hear and feel peace, even when we can’t see it. Open our hearts to sharing peace, even when we can’t bear it.
In the name of Jesus, who feels pain with us. Amen.
Focus Scripture Reading: Matthew 27:57-66
Based on Matthew 27:57-66
Personal Reflection Project or print the questions for all to see.
- In what ways can you draw closer to God now?
- Are there behaviors or philosophies, such as materialism, consumerism, self-centeredness, and so forth, in your community that might lead you away from God?
- Keeping a vigil means to pay attention or focus our thoughts on something specific while we wait. When have you waited for something? What did you do as you waited?
Song of Promise Sing or hum after each scripture reading.
“Jesus, Remember Me”
CCS 459
Include Bb and C instruments, playing the parts provided in Community of Christ Sings Musicians Edition.
Scripture Reading: Matthew 27:57-66
Song of Promise Sing or hum after each scripture reading
“Jesus, Remember Me”
CCS 459
Include Bb and C instruments, playing the parts provided in Community of Christ Sings Musicians Edition.
Scripture Reading: Psalm 31:1-4
Song of Promise Sing or hum after each scripture reading.
“Jesus, Remember Me”
CCS 459
Include Bb and C instruments, playing the parts provided in Community of Christ Sings Musicians Edition.
Scripture Reading: Job 14:1-2, 7-9, 14
Song of Promise Sing or hum after each scripture reading.
“Jesus, Remember Me”
CCS 459
Include Bb and C instruments, playing the parts provided in Community of Christ Sings Musicians Edition.
Responsive Prayers of the People
Leader: With confidence and trust let us pray to the creator of all there is…
Let us pray for the church community throughout the world; for our prophet-president, the First Presidency, the Council of Twelve Apostles, the Presiding Bishopric, the financial concerns of the church, the presiding evangelist, the quorums, mission center leadership, congregational leadership and all ministries of mission and mercy throughout the church. Lord of compassion...
People: In your mercy, hear us.
Leader: For the mission of the church, that in faithful witness it may preach the gospel to the ends of the earth. Lord of compassion...
People: In your mercy, hear us.
Leader: For peace in the world, a spirit of respect and reconciliation may grow among nations and peoples. Lord of compassion...
People: In your mercy, hear us.
Leader: For the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer, for refugees, prisoners, and all in danger; that they may be relieved and protected. Lord of compassion...
People: In your mercy, hear us.
Leader: For those whom we have injured or offended. Lord of compassion...
People: In your mercy, hear us.
Leader: For grace to amend our lives and to further the reign of God. Lord of compassion...
People: In your mercy, hear us.
Leader: In communion with all those who have walked along the way of the disciple. Lord of compassion...
People: In your mercy, hear us.
Leader: Lord, as we keep vigil in these closing hours of this sabbath, may you give us strength to bring our whole selves to the joy that only come from participation in your resurrection, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Hymn of Repentance
“Beneath the Cross of Jesus”
CCS 206
OR “Ah, Holy Jesus”
CCS 461
Prayer for Peace
Light the Peace Candle.
Scripture Reading: Doctrine and Covenants 163:3b
Unison Prayer for Peace
Consider having the stanza read aloud first by a single reader, asking the people to join on a second time through.
“Rejected and Despised,”
CCS 462, Stanza 3
Leader: May God bless us, that in us may be found love and humility, obedience and thanksgiving, discipline, gentleness, and peace.
People: Amen.