Two by 2: Two Organ Symphonies on Two Magnificent Organs (CD)
Herald Publishing House

Two by 2: Two Organ Symphonies on Two Magnificent Organs (CD)

Regular price $18.00

by Jan Kraybill

The church’s denominational headquarters in Independence, Missouri, is home to two magnificent organs—the Auditorium’s Aeolian-Skinner and the Temple’s Casavant.

Hear these two instruments’ remarkable resources in two massive organ symphonies:
• Symphony in G by Leo Sowerby
• Symphony No. 5 by Charles-Marie Widor, with its famous Toccata

Jan Kraybill holds a bachelor of music education and master of music (piano performance) degrees from Kansas State University, and earned her doctor of musical arts (organ performance) from the University of Missouri–Kansas City Conservatory of Music.

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