Herald Publishing House

Engaging Nonviolence: Activating Nonviolent Change in Our Lives and Our World

Regular price $25.00

By Veronica Pelicaric and Nina Koevoets


The Engaging Nonviolence Study Program is a fifteen-part study and action guide offering participants a wide variety of principles, stories, exercises, and readings for learning, practicing, and experimenting with the power of creative nonviolence for personal and social transformation. 

In this book you will learn powerful methods for opposing violence and injustice and for building just and peaceful nonviolent alternatives. Engaging Nonviolence is designed to build your capacity to use these methods to address the direct, structural or cultural violence that matters most to you. We invite you to embark on this exploration and experimentation with nonviolence. 

This book is designed with a small-group learning process in mind and will help within a wide range of contexts and settings. It can be led either by people with minimal facilitation experience or by those with a significant background in leading group processes. 

Each session is around 2 to 2 1/2 hours in length and starts with clear directions for every element and exercise. In general, a session has the following structure: 

  • It begins with a short welcome and gives an overview of the session. 

  • This is followed by an opening process that offers centering and focus. Sometimes this includes a quote, or some kind of meditative reflection.

  • Each session then offers multiple styles of learning and being: large-group exercises, nonviolence story-telling, small-group reflections, times of creative expression (using various art media), role-plays, and debriefing. In all of these segments, we often encourage participants to reflect on and honor their own life experience. 

  • The last part of each session focuses on closure and preparation for the next session. Participants are invited to track their progress through journaling. In a few instances they are also asked to read the required material for the next gathering. 

Please note: there is no separate facilitator guide or participant guide. One book can be used for both and we encourage everyone within a group to have their own copy.

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