Earth Stewardship Lesson Series (PDF Download)
The World Church Earth Stewardship Team is developing lessons focusing on issues for the care and future of our planet—Earth’s peoples, creatures, environments, climates, and resources. These lessons are for investigation by adults and youth alike and may facilitate inter-generational sharing. The format also allows for a separation between adult and youth classes offering expanded discussion opportunities for each. They are not intended to answer all questions or solve all problems. Rather, they are presented in the form of challenge for people to investigate, study, explore, discuss, and seek answers and solutions relative to their own understandings. Among the proposed issues presented are climate, water justice, poverty, food production, ocean health, plastics, deforestation, environment, species and habitat, pollution of air and water. A further concern will involve a consideration of Earth stewardship’s connection to peace and justice issues.
The Team welcomes comments and suggestions for additional topics. Find additional resources at Earth Stewardship Team | Community of Christ.