Herald Publishing House
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9780830911288 |
Cognitive Restructuring for Addiction Workbook |
$16.95 |
5 |
$84.75 |
9780830907397 |
Relapse Prevention Counseling Workbook |
$12.00 |
5 |
$60.00 |
9780830915453 |
Starting Recovery with Relapse Prevention |
$14.95 |
5 |
$74.75 |
9780830913268 |
The Gorski-Cenaps Model for Recovery and Relapse Prevention |
$9.50 |
3 |
$28.50 |
9780830908509 |
Denial Management Counseling Workbook |
$14.95 |
5 |
$74.75 |
9780830906451 |
Relapse Prevention Workbook for the Criminal Offender |
$16.00 |
5 |
$80.00 |
9780830909292 |
Relapse Dynamic for Criminal Behavior |
$0.75 |
5 |
$3.75 |
$406.50 + $118.50 (shipping) $525.00 |