Formational Resources by Community of Christ
Witness the Word: "Creating Community" (mp4 Video Download)
Herald Publishing House
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Witness the Word: "Come, Share the Table/Vengan, compartan la mesa” (mp4 Video Download)
Disciples Generous Response: "Extravagant Generosity" (mp4 Video Download)
Witness the Word: "Christ is Our Hope" (mp4 Video Download)
Disciples' Generous Response: "Express Your Gratitude” (mp4 Video Download)
Disciples' Generous Response: "Be Imitators of Christ” (mp4 Video Download)
Disciples Generous Response: "The Gifts of Generosity" (mp4 Video Download)
Disciples' Generous Response: "Hope Overcomes Fear" (mp4 Video Download)
Disciples Generous Response: "Growing Generous Disciples" (mp4 Video Download)
"Witness the Word" 2023-3 (November) - DVD
Regular price $10.00