Formational Resources by Community of Christ
"Witness the Word" 2023-2 (July) - DVD
Herald Publishing House
Regular price $10.00
"Witness the Word" 2023-1 (March) - DVD
Year B (2023-2024) Scriptures and Themes (PDF Download)
Regular price $0.00
Family Income, Expense, and Budget Record (PDF Download)
Witness the Word: "That All May Feast" Communion (mp4 Video Download)
Witness the Word: "Disciples of Interruption" (mp4 Video Download)
Witness the Word: "Discernment: A Map for Life" (mp4 Video Download)
Disciples Generous Response: "A Generous Church/Una Iglesia Generosa" (mp4 Video Download)
Disciples Generous Response: "Gifts Freely Given" (mp4 Video Download)
Disciples Generous Response: "Mimicking God” (mp4 Video Download)
Newly Translated Songs from World Conference 2023 (PDF Download)
NEW Evangelist Lapel Pin - Logo Only
Regular price $7.95
Disciples' Generous Response: "How Much Do I Hope to Share?" (mp4 Video Download)
Disciples' Generous Response: "Let Go of Your Treasures" (mp4 Video Download)
Disciples' Generous Response: Generosity: A Love Language"(mp4 Video Download)
Witness the Word: "Seeds of Hope" (mp4 Video Download)
Witness the Word: "New Life in the Desert" (Easter) (mp4 Video Download)
Witness the Word: "Courage to Live the Words We Pray” (mp4 Video Download)
Dieu, où ton Esprit nous conduit-il maintenant? (PDF Download)
Dios, ¿a dónde nos está dirigiendo tu Espiritu ahora? - Estudio de adultos (Descarga del documento PDF)