Formational Resources by Community of Christ
"Witness the Word" 2024-3 (November) - DVD
Herald Publishing House
Regular price $10.00
Disciples Generous Response: “Spill Out God’s Love” (mp4 Video Download)
Regular price $0.00
Disciples Generous Response: "Young Hands, Generous Hearts” (mp4 Video Download)
Disciples Generous Response: "Sow Bountifully" (mp4 Video Download)
Witness the Word: "We Still Have Time to Save Creation" (mp4 Video Download)
Witness the Word: "Hold Fast to Hope" (mp4 Video Download)
Witness the Word: "That is the Way of the Kingdom of God" (mp4 Video Download)
"Witness the Word" 2024-2 (July) - DVD
Disciples Generous Response: "God’s Profound Grace” (mp4 Video Download)
Disciples Generous Response: "Hold Lightly” (mp4 Video Download)
Disciples Generous Response: "Generations of Generosity" (mp4 Video Download)
“Witness the Word: "Living the Story" (mp4 Video Download)
“Witness the Word: "Promote Sacred Communities/Promover comunidades sagradas” (mp4 Video Download)”
“Witness the Word: "Sacred Stories” (mp4 Video Download)”
"Witness the Word" 2024-1 (March) - DVD
Disciples' Generous Response: "Express Your Gratitude” (mp4 Video Download)
Disciples' Generous Response: "Be Imitators of Christ” (mp4 Video Download)
Disciples' Generous Response: "Hope Overcomes Fear" (mp4 Video Download)
Witness the Word: "Embody Christ's Hospitality" (mp4 Video Download)
Witness the Word: "They Will Be My Witnesses/Seran Mis Testigos" (mp4 Video Download)