Formational Resources by Community of Christ
TS-SS400 Introduction to Scripture (PDF download)
Herald Publishing House
Regular price $12.95
TS-MP300 Introduction to Priesthood Ministry (PDF Download)
TS-SS400 Introduction to Scripture
Regular price $29.95
TS-MP305 Ministry of the Elder (PDF download)
TS-MP300 Introduction to Priesthood Ministry
TS-MP305 Ministry of the Elder
TS-MP304 Ministry of the Priest (PDF download)
TS-MP304 Ministry of the Priest
TS-MP307 Ministry of the High Priest (PDF download)
TS-MP302 Ministry of the Deacon (PDF download)
TS-MP308 Ministry of the Evangelist (PDF download)
TS-MP308 Ministry of the Evangelist
TS-MP302 Ministry of the Deacon
TS-MP301 Ministry of the Disciple
TS-MP307 Ministry of the High Priest
TS-MP301 Ministry of the Disciple (PDF Download)
TS-MP306 Ministry of the Seventy (PDF download)
TS-MP303 Ministry of the Teacher (PDF download)
TS-MP303 Ministry of the Teacher
TS-SS400 Introduction to Scripture Video USB
Regular price $85.00