Face Your Fears
By Jared Munson
This book is a must-read for all disciples of Jesus Christ! In this follow-up to Courageous Witness: A Teenager Shares Jesus, Jared Munson shares twelve more stories from his life among hard-living folk.
Jared says that the number one obstacle to Christian witness is fear – fear of failing, of being rejected, of losing respect of loved ones and co-workers, of offending the very people you want to help, and of driving people away from Jesus because of a lack of knowledge and training.
Raised as an only child in a church-planting family in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Jared offers unusual insights from his own faith journey. This new book will inspire and touch individuals just as his first book did.
The title for this second volume comes from Jared’s own situation as he prepared to leave the security of his family home and congregation to attend Graceland University in Lamoni, Iowa. His goal is to be the first member of his entire family to earn a college degree, and that will require facing some very real fears in his own life. He hopes that his efforts will encourage others to be generous with their invitation to follow Jesus.