Charlie's Walk
By Francine Inslee
Take a Sunday morning walk to church with Charlie. Discover what he observes as he watches his friend Olivia walk to church. Be part of the events that she encounters, and get to know the people who are part of her journey. What would you have done if you were Olivia? This story will remind young and old of the joy to be found in receiving and giving when we actively live out our response to the ministry of Jesus Christ. Community of Christ author Francine Inslee helps the reader understand that giving flows from the disciple’s heart as a response to the grace and love first received from God, creatively demonstrating the discipleship goal “Share Your Witness and Resources.” Illustrator Matt Mills, a Community of Christ staff employee, gives life to the characters and adds a heartwarming, rich depth to the text.
Charlie’s Walk is recommended in Worship Resources Year C, to be used for the Easter worship service as an example of “I Have Seen the Lord.” You’ll look at everyday life with new insight after being touched by this lesson.